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Common Core not practical

The Common Core State Standards may have good potential, but there are many flaws within the idea.

The CCSS don’t prepare high school students for college as they portray within their standards. College readiness is more than just standards for students to learn. It includes critical thinking and different habits of minds. They only measure the academic side of college readiness, not the practical side!

If teachers, students, school districts and the general public take time to look into the standards and do the research, they will realize that the CCSS do not equate to college readiness. If we continue to believe that the CCSS are truly preparing high school students for college, then we are setting them up to fail when they transition from high school to college. We are sending the students to college unprepared and unready to face their next stage of life.

High schools need to be doing more than just implementing new standards in order to prepare students for college. Teachers need to be helping students learn to think critically, students need to learn practical skills to help them succeed, and the standards need to be in line with the college entrance expectations.

Rylee Atha


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