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Brown’s past with police and fire

Just writing this letter to give folks some background on Lisa Brown, who will be running for the U.S. Congress in Washington state.

When Lisa was the leader of the Washington state Senate, she chaired a committee to look into the Police and Fire retirement system (LEOFF1), which was the most solvent retirement in the state. She led an effort to get control of the LEOFF1 system and use some of the funds for other purposes such as the general fund.

The police and fire departments in the state rallied to Olympia to oppose the takeover. After much time and effort in our fight against the raid on pension, the courts ruled in our favor and Lisa and the committee withdrew their attempt of the takeover.

Lisa Brown is a career politician who will do you no favors if elected.

Just want to let my fellow police and fire brothers to keep this in mind when the election comes up.

Joseph A. Machala, retired Spokane P.D.

Kettle Falls

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