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Revelations in Russia

I am amazed at both the surprise and the outrage many have been showing at the revelations that Russia had “a strategic goal to sow discord in the U.S. political system.” One questions what world have these people been living in.

Many of us grew up with weekly sirens and drop-and-cover drills. As if we could drop and cover from the Russian ICBMs that were threatening us. I also remember as a student in South Florida the October day in 1962 when we were sent home from school in the morning because Russia had ballistic missiles pointed at us from only 90 miles away, and that darling of the left, Fidel Castro, urged Khrushchev to “fire them.” A little more serious than a Facebook smear.

They have always been good at propaganda and disinformation. We used to be better at recognizing it. We have been dealing with them as enemies since 1944, we have faced far greater threats than this silliness. We need to deal with it, but recognize it for what it is.

Jeff Reyburn


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