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Victim disarmament zone

The school in Parkland, Florida, was designated a gun-free zone. Since the shooter had a gun, the zone was not “gun free.”

Politicians had made it a victim disarmament zone. Their action assisted the shooter in killing; knowing the victims had been deprived of a viable defense. If any of the teachers had been armed, the violence would have ended sooner and many of the victims would be alive.

The people responsible for the school being a victim disarmament zone are partially responsible for these deaths. Since 1950, 98 percent of all the mass shootings in this country have been in places prohibiting firearms. Eighty-one percent of police officers support arming teachers and principals. Were guns the problem, or something else?

Could the murderer have used a vehicle as used directly or as an accessory in other mass killings?

The shooter’s aunt said he had been on medications. Other users of psychotropic drugs include the shooters at schools in Littleton, Colorado; West Paducah, Kentucky; Red Lake, Minnesota; Conyers, Georgia; Breenwood, South Carolina; and others.

Why ban firearms but not vehicles or drugs? Let’s acknowledge the right to self-defense. “Gun free zones” must be abolished for the safety of the children.

David Wordinger

Medical Lake

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