Mama Bear Moxie: No top sheet, please
I heard in recent headlines that some millennials don’t sleep with top sheets on their beds. It made me laugh because we are a strict “no top sheet” family and have been for at least a decade now. When my son and I were riding in the car listening to a radio program discussing the topic, I asked my oldest son, who is almost 13, if he wanted a top sheet for his bed. He quickly replied, “Mom, what’s a top sheet?”
Our house went sans top sheet after my husband and I visited a German hotel in Leavenworth, Washington. We loved how the bed was made with a duvet covered feather comforter and changed our bedding after we came home from that trip. I don’t know if it was done intentionally or not, but the kid’s beds eventually all lost their top sheets and went straight to using only comforters.
We choose to not use a top sheet for a few reasons: It was always getting tangled or pushed down to the bottom of the bed, it is just one more thing to wash and our feather comforter somehow keeps us cool in the summer and warm in the winter. It’s also nice to just buy one sheet for the bed instead of a set. This has led to a slew of mismatched pillow cases in our household, but I digress.
Our top-sheet preference has caused some drama in our family as we have to remember to pull out the top sheets from the back of the linen closet when guests come over. We have tried to convert my parents into sleeping without a top sheet without any luck. For us, the ease and comfort of only having to deal with one blanket at night is worth having not having a top sheet.
The recent uproar in the media about top sheets is being argued that millennials, like myself, are foregoing the top sheet in rebellion. It seems most think people of my generation question everything and cut out items from life that they don’t deem necessary. Is that so wrong? Is having a top sheet on my bed going to really affect society?
It seems that the top-sheet debate has heated up online as people have a definite preference one way or the other. Older people tend to use a top sheet because it is how it has always been done while those willing to toss the top sheet tend to fit into the younger generation category. However, my younger sister still prefers a top sheet while I am sure that there are older people who enjoy a bed made without one.
I just hope that my kid’s future spouses are also tossing the top sheet or else there will be some major arguments when it’s time to make the bed!
Kristina Phelan is a former Spokane-area resident now living in Illinois. Visit her website at