International Peace Run comes to Spokane Thursday
An international Peace Run is coming through Spokane.
The North American leg of the globe-spanning relay started from New York City in mid-April, passing the torch along the 11,000-mile route.
Runners will pass through Spokane today at the Summer Parkways event at Comstock Park. Summer Parkways goes from 6 to 9 p.m.
The Peace Run will enter the Summer Parkways course at 6 p.m. at 23rd Avenue and Howard Street, and run to Hart Field where the peace torch will be passed to Spokane resident Sister Madonna Buder, also known as the Iron Nun.
From Spokane, the relay team of 12 will run to Murray, Idaho. Team members run between 6 and 10 miles per day, said Harita Davies, a coordinator for the North American segment of the relay. Two members of the 12-person team that will visit Spokane today plan to run the full 11,000-mile route.
The continuous relay will link Mexico, Canada and the U.S. before arriving back in New York in mid-August. The European relay started in Bulgaria in February and will end in Portugal in October after running about 16,000 miles.
The Peace Run started in 1987 and traverses more than 150 nations, according to a news release from the organization. The run is a “symbol of humanity’s universal aspiration for a more peaceful world.”