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Free ballots are secure

In response to Barbara Green’s letter of June 8 concerning voter fraud, she should be relieved to know that Washington handles its mail-in ballots in a very safe and reliable way.

A reading of the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Secretary of State’s website gives an in-depth description of how each county processes the mail-in ballots, and explains that the signature of each voter is checked against the signature on file provided when the voter registered, thus making voter fraud practically impossible.

The hysterical fear that Democrats could somehow stuff the ballot box is irrational and completely false. Every Washington voter has to provide a valid Washington state driver’s license or state-issued ID to register, so there is no way millions of people could register falsely to provide the edge that conspiracy theorists profess would affect an election.

Rest assured that the state of Washington has one of the safest and most accurate voting systems in the country. Providing ballots that can be mailed in for free can only help increase the voting participation necessary for continuing the democratic system of a government by the people.

Becca Gilman


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