Newman Lake man sentenced 16 years in killing of girlfriend

A Newman Lake man who admitted beating his girlfriend to death in November was sentenced to 16 years in prison earlier this month.
Nicholas Holden, 29, faced up to 25 years in prison. He pleaded guilty in mid-May to second-degree murder, a charge stemming from what police describe as a drunken, violent rage the morning after Thanksgiving at his father’s Newman Lake home.
At his sentencing hearing June 1, Judge Michelle Szambelan heard from a handful of the victim’s family members, who after the hearing told KHQ News they were disgusted that Holden received only 195 months. Also in court were Holden’s father and sister, who testified on his behalf.
Holden admitted to striking 30-year-old Tina Stewart, a mother of two, multiple times in the face and kicking her while she was on the ground, according to court records.
He told deputies he woke up at about 4 a.m. and found Stewart with blood and vomit coming from her mouth and nose, and that she was “cool to the touch and unresponsive.” He cleaned her up and then went back to sleep. He told deputies he did this again two hours later.
Deputies found bruises covering the majority of her face, swollen cheeks and bruising on her chest and stomach.