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King Trump?

So, is the president proclaiming himself the king? Does he get to decide what is patriotic and how our First Amendment rights may be expressed? He has proclaimed that the Department of Justice exists to protect him and it is his to do with as he pleases.

He has proclaimed that he can pardon himself and is thus above the law.

Mr. Trump is beginning to sound more and more like Louis XIV, the 17th century king of France (“The Sun King”), who once proclaimed; “L’etat c’est moi: “The state is I: I am the Nation.” I certainly hope that our representatives in the “People’s House” are paying attention to this dangerous nonsense. After all, “you can fool some of the people all of the time …”

Let us hope that most of us are not as confused, fooled and divided as the president seems to intend.

Perhaps a more appropriate vignette for the president should be “Le desordre d’est moi” (The disorder is me). Wake up, my fellow Americans! Let us beware that this mendacious and ignorant authoritarianism might become the political and cultural norm!

James C. Lanham


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