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Immigrants moving, not getting lost

It seems Mr. Weller (“What have we become,” May 28, 2018) needs to find a news source other than CNN or NBC.

We are not taking children away from their parents; the accurate details are as follows: Immigrants are detained by border agents, processed and turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement then sent to live with the parents or close relatives. The vast majority of these are illegals and don’t want to get deported and so fail to show up for court. Instead they move so the government can’t locate them. We aren’t losing kids; families aren’t staying put.

As usual the liberal media are skewing the truth so it appears the administration is treating them unfairly, which is not the case. Oh, and by the way, this procedure was in place when Obama was in office. Why wasn’t anyone screaming about it then?

Carla Amparan


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