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Wasting street material

I saw that we are grinding up asphalt to haul away so we can add new asphalt and get rid of some bumps in the road on Wellesley; it’s a good thing. Why not spread that asphalt on our streets here in “Dog Town”? We have a major dust problem out here but it is ignored by the people in charge. You take that ground-up asphalt and throw it away, ruining the ground you throw it away on and ignoring a fix to our problem of dusty streets.

I spend a third of my day dusting around the house. The old asphalt would be a great addition to our streets and put it to use rather than ruining the ground where you are throwing it away. I followed one of the trucks that hauled this stuff away and saw a massive amount of this old asphalt and a lot of ruined land where they were dumping that old asphalt. What in heaven’s name are you people thinking?

I was just out at my mailbox and saw a truck coming down our street causing a dust storm. It slowed down when it noticed me and I thank the driver for that. It shocked me that it was a street oiler truck from the street department again ignoring the dusty street. That oil would be a great thing for the dusty street he was driving on but there is a layer of dusty dirt on top of the road, so maybe oil wouldn’t work here - but the old asphalt sure would. I again have to ask, what in heaven’s name are you thinking?

Bob Porter


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