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CMR’s ads say little

I find the recent television ads by Rep. McMorris Rodgers lacking in that she is merely picking low-hanging fruit.

Wanting to regulate the internet, marveling at her journey from Kettle Falls to Congress, stating a desire to restore trust and the rule of law, and supporting veterans are issues that we all support. CMR must own erosion of trust because she has been silent when it comes to calling out a president and GOP that lacks truthfulness and transparency. How can she advocate restoring the rule of law when her voice has been silent on administration and GOP attacks on the work of the Department of Justice?

CMR has made a career by posing in the background and remaining relatively silent on issues of importance. I’m confident that after only 14 months in Congress, Lisa Brown will have more to show as accomplishments and will have demonstrated greater trust, leadership and respect for the rule of law than CMR has demonstrated in 14 years.

Let’s return CMR to her roots where picking low-hanging fruit is considered an accomplishment.

Claude Kistler


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