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Every fiber of my being is vibrating with outrage about this incredibly cruel policy of separating parents seeking asylum in the US and their children.

Having spent a 30-year career treating children and their families experiencing the multi-generational effects of child abuse and neglect, I am shocked to my core about this deliberate state policy to actively traumatize children and their families.

Where to start?

We must listen to the Harvard Center for the Developing Child, the Centers for Disease Control Adverse Childhood Experiences research, the local research studies conducted by Dr. Chris Blodgett at WSU, including numerous federal research studies with profound outcomes - to fully appreciate the outrageous nature of this experiment.

My husband, Robert Glatzer, was Jewish. We spent our lives examining our consciences about what we would have done if we had lived in 1930s Germany. This administration in the U.S. gives us the opportunity to learn what we are made of.

I challenge everyone in our community to do one thing - beyond what you are already doing, beyond what you could have imagined - to advocate, to shout.

Mary Ann Murphy


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