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Socialist Seattle?

It’s not uncommon for someone who resides on the East Side of the Cascades to lament the “socialist haven of Seattle.”

But I can tell you that this opinion is dead wrong. I’ve lived in Seattle now for three years, and what I see and experience is a feeding frenzy of greed and avarice. In fact it seems to me that Seattle, rather than being some sort of socialist haven, instead is a shrine to unbridled capitalism. Housing prices and rents are outrageous, and continue to increase by double digits yearly. Car tabs, property taxes, insurance, restaurant meals, tickets to entertainments, and pretty much anything else costs more in Seattle than anywhere else in the country outside of a few places such as San Francisco, L.A. or New York.

Yes, Seattle is a heavily blue area, controlled politically by Dems and those who are left of center. But a socialist haven? Not by any stretch of the imagination. In fact if this is your opinion, you’ve clearly not spent any time here.

Douglas I Walker


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