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Florida massacre
The massacre in Florida has already turned into an opportunity for those with an agenda to have a fresh platform to beat the drum for the “righteousness” of their position.
Those who believe in gun control say “if only” their position had been in place this would never have happened.
Those who support the Second Amendment say “the gun wasn’t the problem.”
In reality they are both right and wrong.
Contrary to its proponents’ assertions, there is no “magic bullet” legislation that will remove guns and make the world nirvana.
The gun WAS an element of the problem. Was it the only element? No.
Multiple red flags indicated the potential for violence. These either were not or could not be followed up for many reasons.
The true solution is too complex for a bullet-point solution from either side. Let’s try shelving our own agendas or hopes for short-term political gain for a change. I know I’m screaming into the wind but the 17 dead Americans deserve the effort.
Everyone take a deep breath, politicians stop looking at your focus group polls, let’s try thinking of the victims not out own personal egos.
Jerry Paulin