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The Slice: When you hear from warm-weather friends
What word best describes the tone of correspondence you receive from Snow Birds and warm-climate friends/relatives when winter weather in the Spokane area gets challenging?
A) Mocking. B) Compassionate. C) Oblivious. D) Pity.
E) Smug. F) Condoling. G) Amused. H) Sympathetic.
I) Irrational. J) Jeering. K) Mean-spirited. L) Unhinged.
M) Cruel. N) Envious. O) High. P) Transparent.
Q) Malicious. R) Happy. S). Nostalgic. T) Gleeful.
U) Laughing. V) Unaware. W) Self-centered.
X) Curious. Y) Reassuring. Z) Other.
Today’s proposed Spokane URL: Carl Eklund suggested “.bac” and explained that it stands for blood alcohol content.
To clarify: “To those of you who haven’t yet asked, the answer is ‘No,’ the Grace Chapin who is a reporter for a local TV station is NOT my daughter,” wrote Sue Chapin, longtime Spokane school board member. “The real Grace Chapin (Ferris class of 2007) is living in Chicago and working as an admissions officer for the University of Chicago. I wonder if anyone has asked the reporter if I am her mother?”
Answer: Walt Lindgren was among those who knew John Denver’s father set speed records flying the Air Force’s B-58 Hustler and that the tenuous Spokane connection was his son’s involvement with the Chad Mitchell Trio, originally formed by Gonzaga University students.
Living in a time capsule: There are people who know the Spokane restaurant scene pretty well, just not the 2018 Spokane restaurant scene.
Today’s advice from my late father: If you are going to be in a fist-fight and are wearing a necktie, remove the tie immediately so your opponent cannot grab it and control your movements.
Warm-up questions: If you have been to 49 states, which one is left to make it 50? How many Slice readers turn on closed captioning when watching British dramas on TV? What was the most helpful Bloomsday training tip you ever received? What was the least helpful Bloomsday training tip you ever received? When you were a kid, did you ever call a store and ask if they had Prince Albert tobacco in a can? I assume you know how the rest of that goes.
Today’s Slice question: If the first female president of the United States lives (or lived) in the Spokane area, who might it be?
Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Nancy P. White and quite a few other Slice readers had relatives who left Ireland in the 1840s during the potato famine.