Short-sighted votes
Let me see if I have this right: On January 31st, Sen. Short was one of four votes against SB 5912 – which covers three-dimensional mammography, one of 22 votes against SB 6219 – which concerns health plan coverage of reproductive health care, and one of 6 votes against HB 1508 – which promotes student health and readiness through meal and nutrition programs.
So, in an extreme — but not totally unlikely — scenario, it’s okay in Sen. Short’s world that: a mother has a child because of lack of access to reproductive health care, then ends up with breast cancer which three-dimensional mammography would have exposed and loses her job; the child arrives at school without breakfast – which studies have shown impedes learning, attention and behavior; the child falls behind, is frequently suspended on behavior issues and the cycle starts again.
Sen. Short is long on talk, short on compassion, short on action. It’s time for change.
Katherine Schutte