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The Slice: Just think of the possibilities

Here’s one of the best things I’ve heard said about Spokane.

“The roads go somewhere.”

That’s from Sally Kinzel, a summertime resident of Spokane who teaches third grade up in Nome, Alaska. The roads there, well, they don’t always go anywhere. At least not far.

She went on. “Spokane is an exciting town with lots of choices.”

There’s a city slogan, for you. And yet, I can’t help but believe “The roads go somewhere” is even better.

Sort of existential. Sort of Robert Frost. Sort of inspirational poster. Sort of higher education marketing.

Spokane: The roads go somewhere.

It’s just up to you to decide where it is you want to go.

Speaking of slogans: Readers were asked to suggest city slogans for Spokane, keeping in mind the high cost of housing in Seattle and property crime here in Spokane.

Shirley Roberts wrote, “My husband, Bill, has a slogan for Spokane regarding property crime, ‘Lock it or lose it.’ ”

Bill Mahaney offered “Bought today, gone tomorrow.”

Terrie Roberts suggested, “Spokane: We’re not Seattle … you can afford to live here.”

Curt Olsen proposed a slogan that just might reflect both themes.

“Your time’s comin’.”

Another way Spokane has changed for the better in the past 30 years: “The addition of the University District downtown,” wrote Steph Zoldak.

When asked where you’re from while traveling: “I usually say ‘Near Spokane,’ ” wrote Lee Pierce of Cheney.

Lee likes how that echoes one of Spokane’s former marketing slogans.

Joe Brabeck offered this. “After hearing so many people mention rain when I tell them I’m from Washington state, I’ve started saying, ‘No, we’re from the DRY side of the state, about 20 miles from Idaho.’ That seems to work.”

Multiple choice: If you spend any time around children, you no doubt are aware of their sponge-like ability to acquire language. So who or what are your usual suspects when you hear a kid come out with something new and you find yourself thinking “Where on Earth did she pick that up?”

A) Daycare/grade school classmates. B) TV. C) Online. D) Neighbors. E) Some unsavory house guest. F) Older kids. G) A certain criminal element in the fourth grade. H) Grandpa’s old issues of MAD magazine. I) The street. J) Other.

Today’s Slice question: Who around here has single-handedly induced the greatest number of far-away friends, relatives and former co-workers to relocate to the Spokane area over the years?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email From the standpoint of location, it seems like Ellensburg should be the capital of Washington.

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