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Pro-choice double standard

Pro-choice advocates of abortion rights use the argument that any woman should have final control and decision over anything concerning her body. This is unmitigated, brazen, cynical hypocrisy. Why? Because there is another body involved that can’t speak and decide for itself: the unborn baby. So this argument invalidates itself.

I hate the term “fetus.” It makes an unborn baby sound like a common tumor that can be simply “removed.” In fact, this nascent human being takes form early in a pregnancy. The Mayo Clinic website describes “Pregnancy week by week” and shows drawings of fetal development during the first trimester. Note when it has a beating heart. Tumors don’t have beating hearts.

“Viability” of the new human being to live outside the womb is also a cynical and irrelevant criterion. If the criterion for control and decision is having a body, then at what stage does this unborn baby have a body? Certainly, at least by the time it has a beating heart. Or a conscious mind that can feel the pain of being killed. It just can’t speak yet. Who will?

Adoption is always an option. Have a heart. Live and let live.

Bob Strong


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