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The Slice: Summing up the Lilac City

Slice readers were asked to explain Spokane in 25 words or less.

“I would say … Spokane needs no explanation, it speaks for itself,” wrote Claude Kistler.

“It’s the biggest little city,” wrote Nita Volz. “Everyone is connected to somebody.”

Marianne Bornhoft offered, “220 days of sunshine, 7 ski resorts, 78 lakes and 4,100 acres of parks filled with friendly people that put on record attendance community events.”

Bad songs, good memories: “Wonderful events absolutely can overwhelm regrettable pop music,” wrote Les Graham. “In early 1969 many pop radio stations played ‘Sugar, Sugar’ (by the Archies) roughly six times every hour. But since my wife (of 48 years now) and I were falling in love, it became our song.”

You know you’re getting old: “When you look at the ads in Parade magazine for comfy shoes, embroidered sweatshirts, elastic-waist pants and wash and wear handbags and find yourself saying, ‘Well that looks cute.’ Heavy sigh.” – Connie Jensen

Hair today: A friend shared a story involving his 1976 Montana driver’s license featuring a photo showing his admittedly outrageous long hair.

The license expired while he was in the military, stationed in Europe.

At the time, Montana simply issued service members a sticker to affix to their license stating it remained current when presented with a valid military ID.

“The summer of 1983, while stationed in Virginia with hairstyle in strict accordance with Army regulation (AR 670-1), I came upon a serious car accident.

“A female Virginia state trooper sought me out for a statement. When returning the expired Montana license and military ID she remarked, ‘Son, I can see joining the Army was a positive influence on your life.’ ”

Speaking of hair: Marilyn Othmer recalled the year her oldest son surprised the family by getting a curly Mac Davis perm just before having his senior picture taken.

If you are too young to remember Mac Davis, I presume you know how to use the Internet.

Today’s sign of the apocalypse: Stan Hughes passed along a grandchild birthday quote not destined to make it onto greeting cards.

“I wanted a phone, but all I got was a puppy.”

Slice answer: “How often do I see people I know in the obits?” wrote Doris Brown. “Too often! At my age it is inevitable, but makes me wonder who will be left to read mine.”

Today’s Slice question: Do you remember the name of the first person with whom you slow danced?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email What are your family’s favorite Groundhog Day Eve traditions?

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