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Studded tires are useful

I feel studded snow tires have their place. When my daughters were learning to drive they had small cars and I made sure they had studded snow tires on their cars. We live outside of Spokane and my daughters had to travel and use Highway 291, which meant dealing with a hill called Big Sandy and the river road.

I want to agree with the gentleman that brought up the poor quality of asphalt that was used on our roadways. It is also my understanding that the studs used now are not as hard as the ones used in the past and do not hold up as well.

There are many reasons for our roads to develop hazardous road conditions - the weather is a big factor. I have noticed every year when this area gets its first snow and icy roads car accidents increase. People just don’t seem to slow down. So to blame studded snow tires for an accident when it was noted that the roads were icy, to me means they were not driving for the road conditions and just ran out of talent.

Alan Barry

Nine Mile Falls

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