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RIP, Spokane

With the inevitable election of the unashamedly Marxist Ben Stuckart as Spokane’s next mayor, it will behoove the remaining responsible taxpayers and businesses within city limits to have a good exit plan. Already, our once great downtown, once safe and clean and desirable, is a nasty, unsafe Third World cesspool of homeless hordes and street criminals. Just take a drive down Second Avenue and see what we have become. Stuckart will make it even worse.

Leftist Democrat rule of urban areas always results in reversal of living standards, decency and safety. Always. The examples include, but are not limited to, Los Angeles, Detroit, East St. Louis, Oakland, Portland, Baltimore and Seattle.

It is truly sad that many can see the end of our nation as it stands now, in their lifetimes. Some welcome the end as a reason to start over. The seditious subterfuge against good, patriotic morals and values eventually could have devastating results: anarchy, riots, civil war and the rest.

God help us all.

Tim Hall


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Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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