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Cowardly politics

I am appalled at the lack of courage by the vast majority of Republicans who do not speak out against this dangerously damaging president of our republic. I don’t think I have to tell Senators Cantwell and Murray how dangerous he is and how his disregard and disdain for the rule of law, and the truth, is hurting our great nation. The press is the enemy of despots. Never the people.

I am asking my senators to speak to their Republican colleagues and ask them, when is enough enough? When will they start defending our country against this compromised (by the Russians) man? When will they realize that they’d be more respected if they actually spoke out?

Republicans are so worried about losing their seats, instead of our democracy, it seems. I see most of them as cowards for remaining silent — for not fighting for our country’s rules and laws.

To me Trump is a traitor. It was plain to see when he believed Putin over our protectors in the intelligence community.

Ask those “scaredy-cat” Republicans to stand to up to this intellectually impaired man whose stunted vocabulary is an embarrassment to our great nation on the world stage. Donald Trump is quoted by Bob Woodward in his book “Fear,” as once saying, “Real power is — I don’t even want to use the word — fear.” Yet we should also remember this quote by president Franklin D. Roosevelt, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”

Jack Benedetto


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