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Adultery in government

I have restrained my anger over what I read about President Trump’s infidelities and payoffs to silence two women for affairs as a private citizen. When I read the letter to the S-R, from Theodora Sallee, on Dec. 15, (“Owning our beliefs”), I was fed up. Ms. Sallee quoted Exodus 20:12, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” We have a president who committed adultery while as a private citizen, which is not a crime. We did have a president who committed adultery as a governor and as president, which is a crime because it was an abuse of power. President Clinton’s crimes were sexual attacks and payoffs while in office.

As governor of Arkansas, Clinton assaulted Leslie Millwee, and Paula Jones, and had a twelve-year affair with Jennifer Flowers. As president, Clinton assaulted Juanita Broderick and Kathleen Wiley. Don’t forget Monica Lewinski. Google these women and read for yourself their own words.

Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 to keep silent. A $17 million taxpayer “slush fund” is appropriated in Congress for the specific purpose of paying off or “silencing” women who accuse members of Congress of sexual harassment misconduct. So don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house!

Rosie Schofhauser


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