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Democracy’s end

I think what is going on in Wisconsin with the GOP curbing a governor’s power is because the other party won. These types of actions are becoming more and more common. Take Mitch McConnell’s refusal to give a hearing to Obama’s Supreme Court nominee — a direct violation of his oath to uphold and serve the Constitution. The Democrats have done it.

This shows how corrupt and how anti-democracy these parties have become. The good people of Wisconsin voted for a governor with powers intact. However, the legislature controlled by the other party decides they don’t agree with the people’s choice so they write laws to curb the power of the chosen governor and have them signed into law by the departing governor as a lame duck.

If we want to live in a democracy we need to get rid of both parties. They don’t give a damn about you or me – just the party’s agenda and the rich donors who keep these dishonorable people you elected in the hope of them serving you in power.

R.L. McLeod


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