What drives the Christian vote
I’m responding to Nancy Street’s Dec. 2 letter, “Hypocrisy in church.” She mentions the book of Matthew Chapter 25 in the Bible. She infers Trump-supporting Christians are hypocrites who don’t care about hurting, needy people. Christians are responsible for most hospitals, homeless shelters, soup kitchens and charities.
She asks the question, “Where did Jesus say ‘build the wall’?” There were plenty of walled villages in the Bible.
I would like to ask her a question: Where in the Bible does it says it’s alright to murder unborn children? In my opinion, the issue of abortion is why Christians voted for Trump. I would never vote for any politician or political party that condones abortion. In the eyes of Jesus, you are as guilty as the abortionist.
It is too bad Ms. Street doesn’t understand what drives a Christian to vote they way they do.
Helen Garrett