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Seattle Mariners

Seattle Mariners win approval for new lease

Safeco Field signs have been removed from the Mariners ballpark. The team’s 25-year lease going forward has been approved and a new sponsorship deal has been reach with T-Mobile. (Ted S. Warren / Associated Press)
Associated Press

SEATTLE – A 25-year lease for the Seattle Mariners to remain at their ballpark and related agreements have been approved by the Washington State Major League Baseball Stadium Public Facilities District Board.

The team will be responsible for maintenance, operations and capital improvements, the Mariners and the board said Monday. The team’s investment is expected to top $600 million, according to the Mariners and the board. The deal includes a pair of three-year extension options.

Seattle moved to the stadium from the Kingdome during the 1999 season. The ballpark has been known as Safeco Field, but signage has been removed. Forbes reported last month that a naming deal was reached with T-Mobile.