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Help young and seniors
We all are aware of the multitude of new taxes being piled on us. How about our children who need more
protection in the schools? Some of the stadium funds would be better used for them. There is no reason they do not deserve this. And second, about our senior citizens. We work 50-60 years to pay for a home only to be taxed out of it. Many of us live on Social Security.
Sure we get increases most years, however, Medicare eats most of it up. There are tax breaks for some seniors, however inflation has grown rapidly and those exemptions have not. Where are our elected officials in Olympia? The eligibility levels have not been raised in years.
In my opinion we need to take care of the most important things first. It would be super if there were others out there who will write to this newspaper to express their views as well. If we flood the opinion section with enough letters maybe, just maybe, our elected officials will get off their a**es and do something.
Robert Dreewes