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Shapiro’s real goal

Given the letters from Charles Jencks (Dec. 5) and Gary Bumgarner (Dec. 6) regarding Ben Shapiro, it is unfortunate that the Spokesman-Review did not investigate the underlying story of Shapiro’s attempt to speak at Gonzaga University.

Ben Shapiro is, like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, a conservative comic. He utilizes a well-honed, choreographed script to structure his performances. It goes something like this: Develop a controversial persona to appear edgy; cultivate a distrust of education; try to get an invitation to speak at a university (even offer to fund all or most of the cost); use that persona to force universities to make a decision; if they refuse, use social media to criticize the decision; generate pre-planned responses that claim free speech is being violated; assume that others will then bash the university.

Shapiro’s goal is publicity and notoriety in his own self-interest. Free speech is not his issue.

Ron Large


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