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How to read the news

Ok. I’m 71. (Some have called me … well, let’s not go there.) But I’ve also embraced a lot of the technology that’s out there, often to the distress of my little lady. (You spent how much on that drone?!) But there remain some things - some traditions that are simply the right ways. Yesterday, we got a notice that the monthly paper subscription rate will double at the first of the year. They also said that it’s possible to subscribe for the online edition at just $5 a month. Wow! I already read some things online.

Then, this morning, I went out and picked up the paper from the driveway, shook the rain off the blue plastic sleeve, pulled it out as I walked inside, sat down at the dining room table with my cup of coffee to start reading through the different sections. Hearing the crackle of the newsprint as I shook the creases out - licking my fingers to turn each page - scanning a whole sheet and selecting each article, I could see the big picture - even the smell added to the experience. That’s how I want to read my news. At least until I just can’t anymore.

Doug Kaer


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