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Band-aids for homelessness

What to do with the homeless in downtown Spokane? Is the answer a simple allocation of more space — space for sleeping and to hang out at a location that is amenable to all parties concerned? Does the answer involve food that is funded by the government and prepared by volunteers? I think not.

These proposals don’t permanently solve anything. These proposals placate and serve as “Band-Aids” over homelessness.

What is needed is an expansion of programs that follow the business model of the Union Gospel Mission, a private enterprise that meets and provides for the physical, safety, health/cleanliness, job, educational and spiritual needs of the homeless population and provided over time. This is a transformational program.

No governmental red tape or funding is involved. Such a comprehensive model will attack and not merely mitigate the problem of homelessness.

Gordon Spunich

Spokane Valley

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