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Congrats President T.

Congratulations President T! By amassing the power of the United States at the southern border you are holding at bay the few thousand men, women and children who fled violence and terror and walked hundreds of miles in the hope of realizing the Dream that America is/was. Good job!

Meanwhile you have been played by Rocket Man, defended the Crown Prince of Murder, Mr. Bone Saw, rejecting the “fake” conclusions of our CIA and given a muted response to the Russian Bully who has attacked the Ukraine. Amazing how you can prioritize the threats to the U.S. and the world. Weak.

Meanwhile our farmers cannot sell their product, GM is laying off thousands, but you have supported a racist in Mississippi and denied the “fake” findings of the science U.S. government report on climate change. To quote my fearless leader: “So Sad. #MAGA.”

Who knew playing president would be so hard? And at the end of the long day it is Mueller time.

Off in the corner sits “our Cathy.” They also serve who sit and cower.

Tim Gardner


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