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Gun views on full display

I saw in the paper the other day (Gun rights activists gather at rally in Franklin Park, Aug. 18) that Cathy McMorris Rogers had a representative from her campaign in attendance at the gun rights activist rally at Franklin Park – he spoke and handed out her campaign signs. She was in good company – Spokane Conceal and Carry Club, American Patriots the III% — organized in coordination with the group Patriot Prayer. They were rallying against Initiative 1639 that would have raised the minimum age of gun purchase and required safe storage and more stringent background checks for semi-automatic rifle buyers. Apparently I-1639 was taken off the ballot, because the font on the initiative was too small and changes weren’t clearly marked. There is an appeal underway that will hopefully get it back on the ballot.

It is clear that Cathy is in lock-step with the Trump agenda: Protect your Second Amendment rights at all costs. The cost? Innocent lives in our communities and schools. It is unimaginable to me that she can continue to push his agenda – especially in the area of gun control. The initiative is not looking to take everyone’s guns away. It is seeking sensible, reasonable, necessary controls on access to guns. Seems like a no-brainer to me. But Cathy doesn’t get it. Vote blue in November.

Angie O’Brien


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