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Skewed political perspectives

“The Democrats are going in the direction of a socialist approach. And my opponent has a record. And her record is one that is very liberal,” said CMR at the Nunes fundraiser.

The above sentence hilariously conflates liberalism with socialism, but none of the socialist groups in Spokane have endorsed Brown, with good reason: her platform doesn’t come close to socialism or even social democracy. Even Brown’s support for universal health care includes the word “affordable” on her site, a far cry from Medicare For All endorsed by Sanders and AOC.

It’s telling that CMR also said “She’s upset that I’m calling her a liberal. Well, in the political spectrum it goes from conservative to liberal. I think we all recognize that. And it’s who she is, that’s her record.” Again, incredibly untrue.

The political spectrum is hard to define, but the most commonly accepted one spans economically from hard-line conservative capitalism on the far right, then liberalism right-center to social democracy center-left and socialism and communism left proper. Reagan himself is considered a father of neoliberalism.

The lack of political education in this country apparently extends to our elected officials.

Hayden Tank


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