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Do better or make way

Cathy McMorris Rodgers has been our representative for several for several years and risen to the upper levels of the GOP leadership. As the new election cycle begins she has the opportunity to highlight the laws that she has written (and/or sponsored) that demonstrate her dedication to promote the needs and views of the voters she represents. Instead, she has chosen to promote name-calling attack ads favored by her leader.

Those ads paid for by “dark money” of corporate PACs made possible by the Citizens United decision and financed by the massive corporate tax giveaway passed earlier this year.

George Nethercutt, former 5th District representative, made such a recommendation to highlight her accomplishments in an Inlander article earlier this week.

Also, last week she voted in opposition to an effort to reverse the effect of the Citizens United ruling. Cathy, we deserve better. Do better or make way for another.

Bobby Tyus


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