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Brown worked for medical school

The nasty ad nearly made me spit my morning coffee out. For anyone to deny Lisa Brown’s amazing contributions to Spokane getting a medical school is nonsense. I worked for Lisa from the time a medical school was seriously considered until the time it was achieved and I can say with 100 percent certainty that she worked on getting a WSU medical school with every dogged bit of energy that she had.

Lisa’s accomplishments are too numerous to list here, but please know that the work she did before and during legislative deliberations was critical to the fate of the medical school. Why do you think the legislators on the West Side were so supportive of the medical school? Because Lisa began meeting with community leaders there the minute she was tasked by WSU’s president to increase medical education in Spokane. It was those health care, business and nonprofit leaders who listened to what Lisa had to say because of the reputation she’d earned during her 20 years in the legislature and then pressured their legislators to support a second medical school in the state.

Lisa gets things done and always shares credit with her team and community leaders.

Terren Roloff


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