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McMorris Rodgers on deficits

Remember the Balanced Budget Amendment Caucus?

Members, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers among them, vowed to bring a profligate federal government to heel when they organized in 2011. She said then that she was concerned about deficit spending, which soared to a horrific $1.3 trillion that year. But the red ink slowed during the remaining years of the Obama administration.


Deficits of $1 trillion-plus for the next decade thanks to tax cuts the representative crowed about in her April 17 column in The Spokesman-Review (“Out with the old, in with the new (tax code)). Yet in an April 12 statement hilariously reaffirming her dedication to a budget amendment she says “House Republicans remain focused on solutions for fiscal responsibility …”

Oh, please. No Congress has been as fiscally irresponsible as this one. Let’s call McMorris Rodgers and the rest of that 2011 bunch what they really were: the Hypocrisy Caucus.

Bert Caldwell


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