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The difference: Boomers and Millennials

I started thinking about kids last night, and I wondered if they are really all that different from those of us known as baby boomers.

Growing up, they have friends - we had friends. They play computer games indoors - we played cowboys and Indians in the woods.

Some get bullied - we sometimes got bullied (at least, I did). They send prank texts - we made prank phone calls. Sometimes they have low self-esteem - (DUH!) that’s called being a teenager!

They have practice lockdowns for guns on campus - we practiced getting under our desks from incoming nuclear bombs.

Maybe the one difference is that when they feel “stressed out” or worried about anything, they are prescribed medications and counseling - our parents expected us to take personal responsibility, not blame others, get over it and move on.

Doug Kaer

Spokane Valley

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