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Truth and impact of tariffs

Welcome to Trumplandia, where presidential impulses are more important than facts. With the imposition of tariffs on steel and aluminum, President Trump is executing a policy to pander to his base. It is framed as a national security issue regarding China. Nothing could be further from the truth. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau on imports shows that we only import 3 percent of our steel from China. The majority comes from other countries like Canada, Mexico, the European Union and Brazil.

Regardless if you are a Republican, Democrat or independent, you should be very concerned about the impact of Chinese tariffs on the economy of Washington state. Ask the farmers whose products are wheat, apples or wine what the impact of tariffs will be. Because China is the second-biggest customer for U.S. agricultural products after Canada, the U.S. Agricultural Department said farm incomes this year are expected to slide to their lowest level since 2006.

The European Union is also planning to impose tariffs on U.S. goods if the steel and aluminum tariffs are not lifted.

Michael L. McCarty


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