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HydroOne concerns

HydroOne - the quasi-private/public utility company that is 47 percent owned by the province of Ontario - is very close to becoming the new owner of Avista.

Don Brockett’s excellent guest opinion of February 3 (“Proposed Avista sale raises important questions”) in The Spokesman should be read by anyone concerned about the future of Avista and the certainty of escalating utility rates.

HydroOne’s electric costs are the highest in North America due mainly to Canada’s green energy laws. HydroOne will own and Canada will control all of Avista’s dams on the rivers in our area. How safe will our dams be in the hands of HydroOne, a company mandated by green energy laws to promote wind and solar?

The Avista sale can still be stopped by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission.

Please attend their public hearing meeting April 23rd, 1-4:30 p.m. at the Spokane Valley City Council Chambers and voice your concerns. You can also email your comments and concerns to the commission at

Steve Dunham


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