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How to encourage reform

A proposed solution for K-12 reform and to teacher walkouts, from a dentist.

Require all state legislators/governors teach in a classroom for two days annually. Require that first day is with a teacher and the second is without the teacher in all settings: rural/urban, high/low performing, etc. Then observe how teachers will be immensely elevated and supported. Have K-12 teachers/administrators work in the skilled trades for two in-service days/year and discover the “everyone has to go to college” myth morph.

Demand that every elected D.C. official from the president on down, plus all D.C.-area federal employees, disperse their children to the least-performing public schools - from Baltimore to inner-city D.C. Stand back as immediate measures dealing with safety, guns, outcomes and multiculturalism flourish.

The only “decay” that cannot be forgiven is political hypocrisy.

Gerald Weitz

Viola, Idaho

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