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The Slice: Have you seen this woman?

It’s elementary, my dear Mrs. Nelson. (Courtesy photo)

How about one more reader mugshot, this time from Idaho.

The art you see is a depiction of my friend Carol Nelson. She is a second-grade teacher at Atlas Elementary in Hayden.

“Drawn by a student years ago. Still hangs in my classroom. Guess my hair was really red that year.”

I have been to Carol’s classroom and have seen her in person. I can attest that she looks exactly like that.

TV shows you watched with your parents when you were 13: George X. Hale’s family liked “The Twilight Zone.”

His wife Deborah’s family watched “The Addams Family.”

For Marje Peterson, it was “Gunsmoke.”

For Rick McCay, it was “Happy Days.”

Mike Farrell’s family liked “The Waltons.”

Dave Wolfe and his parents watched a show called “I Remember Mama.”

Janet Culbertson wrote, “I was a huge fan of ‘The Roaring 20’s’ when I was 13. Not sure if my parents enjoyed it as much as I did or just tolerated it for me.”

“We would watch ‘Lawrence Welk,’” wrote Nadine Joubert. “Hokey, I know, but to this day that cozy scene is one of my favorite memories of being safe and secure in my home, with my family.”

Terry Hontz was 13 in 1961. His family lived about 80 miles from New York City.

He remembers watching Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris of the New York Yankees chase Babe Ruth’s single-season home run record that summer. “My parents and I watched nearly every game.”

Just wondering: A few years ago, a Slice reader named Kathy Beaver moved to Florida. After perusing the local newspaper in her new home, she contacted a staffer there and suggested they try something like my column. The story took several twists and turns from there but eventually led to creation of a feature called “Bits & Pieces,” which debuted in the fall of 2004.

So here’s what I’m wondering. Seeing as how I’m pretty sure they don’t have marmots down there, what animal does that Florida columnist refer to every other day? And what would they call a loose-knit fraternal order spun from the column?

Today’s Slice question: What’s the oldest food item/beverage/lab experiment in your refrigerator?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Which causes the most throwing up at the fair: The food, the rides or both?

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