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United in our stance

I stand corrected. I’ll admit that from day one of President Trump’s presidency, I did not believe he would fulfill his promise to unify this country. However, I must now place credit where credit is due.

Following President’s Trump’s comments regarding Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the national anthem, I saw this nation unite. I turned on the NFL pregame shows, and I saw commentators, players, coaches, owners and fans united. These proud fellow Americans were standing, kneeling or remaining in their locker rooms, as one, to say that they do not honor or condone the words of our president.

They stand, we stand, united against demeaning another’s free speech, for free speech is what the flag stands for. We stand united condemning distrust of our neighbors, for “all men are created equal” is what our flag stands for. We stand united against baiting one American against another, for unity is what our flag stands for. And, for as often as President Trump chooses to speak against these core American values, Americans will stand united for the flag and against the president.

Paul Lee


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