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Blame not equal

I think your editorial does readers a disservice when it says Democrats and Republicans share equal responsibility for our national debt. In 1981, President Reagan proposed and Congress passed the trickle-down tax cut. It failed to pay for itself and instead increased debt. The bill might have been better named, “Let Our Children Pay,” as it instituted the current conservative philosophy: We need not pay our way.

In 1994, Democrats held majorities in both Houses as well as the presidency. They passed the largest tax increase in our history. It led to budget surpluses in 1999, 2000 and 2001. President Bush was elected in 2001, and with Republican majorities in both houses, stated that, “This is the people’s money, we have to give it back to them.”

Republicans then enacted “Let Our Children Pay 2,” with deficits that continued on through Bush’s final budget, a record $1.42 trillion. With the tax cut due to expire in 2011, Republican senators filibustered, refusing to consider any other legislation until Democrats agreed to extend the tax cuts.

It is clear that Democrats enacted taxes to eliminate the deficit. It is clear that Republicans passed tax cuts that increased it. Not equal.

Gilbert Hart


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