Billig named to No. 2 leadership post in Senate

With Democrats preparing to take control of the Senate as soon as last Tuesday’s election results are certified, Spokane Sen. Andy Billig was named to the No. 2 leadership position.
Billig was elected deputy majority leader by the Senate Democratic Caucus, putting him second to Sen. Sharon Nelson, of Maury Island, who was named majority leader. They occupied similar posts when Democrats were in the minority.
Members in top leadership posts typically do not also serve as committee chairmen or vice chairmen, but Billig will serve on the Ways and Means, Rules, and Early Education/K-12 committees.
Democrats are moving into the Senate majority as a result of Manka Dhingra winning of an open seat in a suburban King County district. Her election will be official in early December when final results are certified, but the reorganization of leadership and committees is underway this week in Olympia.