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The real dishonor
In the “knee” controversy, it is not those who take a knee during the national anthem in protest who are disrespectful of our flag; it is those who want them punished for having the courage to live up to the principles expressed in our anthem: “Oh may that Star Spangled Banner yet wave, o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
America was founded on the principle that acting on our beliefs was the highest form of patriotism. Taking a knee during the anthem is both courageous and respectful. It is a public affirmation that we live in a land where dissent is not only a right but an obligation for every citizen.
Millions endured tremendous hardship and pain to come to America expressly so they could live in a land where the right to protest is both protected and honored. The athletes who take a knee in protest of what they - and many others, including myself - see as a terrible injustice, are taking the courageous path represented by our flag and affirmed in our anthem.
Don’t dishonor our forefathers and them by attempting to take that right away or punishing them for exercising those rights.
Steve Blewett