Spokane Police end multi-agency manhunt by arresting suspect in fatal stabbing

Following a several-hour manhunt by multiple agencies, Spokane police officers arrested a man Tuesday suspected of stabbing a woman to death earlier in the day in Spokane Valley.
Officers arrested David M. Campbell, 37, who allegedly fled a residence located near Bridgeport Avenue and Donwood Street in Spokane Valley prior to deputies arriving. They were originally called to the home for domestic violence dispute.
Spokane County Sheriff’s spokesman Deputy Mark Gregory said the emergency call came in around 11 a.m. Investigators believe Campbell knew the woman.
“This is a successful effort of multiple, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, working together to arrest this homicide suspect and work to keep our community safe,” Gregory said in a news release.
Julie Morefield, the victim’s neighbor, said she believed Campbell was the woman’s ex-boyfriend. When she learned her neighbor was killed Tuesday afternoon while walking her service pit bull through the neighborhood, she collapsed on the ground and demanded to see her friend.
“She was a dear friend of mine,” Morefield said after gaining her composure. “She was happy, and she was beautiful, and lovely. A beautiful person, beautiful soul.”
Morefield said the woman shared the home with about four other people, mostly family and friends. She said she just recently moved to the area and the woman who died was one of the first people she made friends with.
“It’s disgusting,” she said of the killing. “It’s disgusting it happened here, in our neighborhood. What’s next?”
Reporter Thomas Clouse contributed to this report.