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Elect Dompier, Hansen
I would like to offer my endorsement for Robert Dompier and Dan Hansen for the West Valley school board.
Robert is a graduate of West Valley and has served on the West Valley Board for 16 years. He has three children who graduated from West Valley and grandchildren currently in the district. Robert understands the unique culture that is inherent to West Valley and the loyalty that goes along with it. Robert has also served as the district’s legislative representative and is a devoted advocate for all students in the state.
Dan has been on the West Valley Board for three years and is a longtime Millwood resident. He also has two children who graduated from West Valley. Dan has a background in journalism and public relations that has been an invaluable asset to the district. Dan is the consummate voice of reason and is one of the most genuine people I know.
As a current board member, I have had the privilege to work with both of these individuals and to experience their dedication to education. I encourage you to vote Robert Dompier and Dan Hansen for the West Valley School Board.
Adam Mortensen
Spokane Valley