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Prop 2 doesn’t add up

I sit here trying to figure out the logic behind Proposition 2. I didn’t fully comprehend the large amount of uniformed and naïve people that got this proposition on this fall’s ballot.

Transportation of oil and coal should be the least of your concerns. Evidently they have no idea what these companies do every day. During the Cold War and Vietnam, you wouldn’t believe what came through Spokane by rail, and continues today.

Could an accident identical to the one in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, happen in Spokane? Not even a remote possibility. Trains are not left on 1.2 percent grades unattended, as was the case in Canada. Locomotives are not shut down. I’m not sure why they continue to reference the Canadian disaster.

Even if the proposition is passed, Spokane will lose millions of dollars on lawsuits it can’t possibly win. Ponder this thought, what would happen if the owners of BNSF and UP bypassed Spokane entirely, not just coal and oil, but everything they haul? Can we say no manufacturing, no distribution, tens of thousands of jobs gone.

Wake up, people, before it’s too late.

Dennis Heine


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