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Thomas a natural leader

It’s a rare commodity to see someone who is extremely passionate about their calling, and yet at the same time bring an exceptional administrative and organizational skill into the mix. Jennifer Thomas is an excellent listener, a team player, can solve problems and collaborates well with others. As a natural gifted leader, strategic planning is of utmost importance to her. She wants her team to know where they are going, how they are going to get there, and what is at stake.

Jennifer has the ability to see both sides, find common sense solutions and believes education is one of the best tools for breaking the cycle of poverty. She has a successful track record with experience, working with children and students, either as a teacher or mentor, in one capacity or another, for over 20 years.

Jennifer loves Spokane and is invested in our community. Her volunteer involvement with nonprofits is extensive. She understands the complexities of poverty, education and the importance of keeping parents involved. The Spokane school board needs Jennifer, who is qualified, experienced, gifted and passionate about the future of our community, which is our children.

Vote Jennifer Thomas for Spokane school board.

Derek E. Cutlip

Spokane Valley

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